IEA/CSLF Report to the Muskoka G8 Leaders’ Summit

A new report by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum (CSLF), and the Global CCS Institute, shows that in the two years since the G8 leaders’ commitment to the broad deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS) by 2020, significant progress has been made towards commercialisation of CCS technologies. Yet the 2008 Hokkaido G8 recommendation to launch 20 large-scale CCS demonstration projects by 2010 remains a challenge and will require that governments and industry accelerate the pace toward achieving this critical goal.

New Capacity Building Program Will Assist Member Nations in Implementing CCS Demonstrations and Commercial Deployment, CSLF Says

 At the Third Ministerial Meeting in London, the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum (CSLF) announced that a new Capacity Building Program will assist the 24 members of the CSLF in implementing carbon capture and storage (CCS) demonstrations and help accelerate commercial deployment.

Energy Ministers Endorse CCS as Key to Combating Climate Change

Energy and environment ministers from the Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum’s (CSLF) member nations today endorsed carbon capture and storage technologies (CCS) as a key component of international plans to combat climate change. Their endorsement at a high-level meeting here is viewed as affirmation that carbon capture and storage must be an integral component of any international plan to combat climate change.

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