Photo Description

Photos from the Policy Group and Technical Group Meeting held in Berlin, Germany, on September 27–30, 2005.

Ministry of Economics and Labour, Berlin, Germany, meeting site, with CSLF signage
Ministry of Economics and Labour, Berlin, Germany, another area of meeting site
CSLF representatives gathered around four tables arranged in a rectangle
CSLF representatives gathered around four tables arranged in a rectangle
CSLF representatives gathered around four tables arranged in a rectangle
CSLF representatives gathered around four tables arranged in a rectangle
Representatives from the United Kingdom and South Africa
CSLF chairman
Representatives from Australia and Brazil
Representatives from Canada
Representatives from China
Representative from Colombia
Representative from Denmark
Representatives from the European Commission
Representative from Japan
Representative from Korea
Representative from Mexico
Representatives from Norway
Representative from the Russian Federation
Representatives from the United Kingdom
Representative from the United States
Posters showing CSLF purpose, function, membership, activities, projects
CSLF poster exhibition
CSLF poster exhibition
CSLF poster exhibition
CSLF poster exhibition
CSLF representatives in theater-style seating, viewing presentation screen
CSLF representatives in theater-style seating
CSLF representatives, group photo