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You are here:  State-by-State Project Profiles > Oregon

DOE Fossil Energy R&D Projects in Oregon


Number of Projects

Total Value*
(Million $)

DOE Share
(Million $)

Job Benefits**

Coal & Power Projects





*Includes DOE and private sector cost-sharing

**An average of 28.5 direct and indirect jobs per $1 million in R&D funding is used based on the Department of Commerce's Regional Input-Output Modeling System II formula.

Albany Research Center, a Major DOE Laboratory for Materials Research

The Albany Research Center is a DOE-operated laboratory offering more than a half-century of experience and expertise in materials research. Albany researchers address fundamental materials-related mechanisms and processes and carry out research to improve melting, casting, and fabrication of materials. The center is also equipped to completely characterize the chemical and physical properties of materials and deal with the waste and by-products of materials processes.

In recent years, the Albany Research Center has become a key participant in DOE's FutureGen initiative, working on issues involving the durability and strength of key materials for high-efficiency power systems.

  • Refractory Material Issues in Gasifiers - Gasification is an efficient and environmentally sound way to use coal or other carbonaceous matter in the production of power, steam or even hydrogen and make CO2 easily isolated for sequestration. One of the byproducts from this process is molten slag, which can damage the refractory or lining material in gasifiers. Researchers will evaluate different refractory materials and thermocouple designs to reduce the corrosive and damaging effect of molten slag. This project has a total value of $3.49 million and is funded entirely by DOE.


 Page owner:  Fossil Energy Office of Communications
Page updated on: May 28, 2007 

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