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State-by-State Project Profiles > Ohio

Number of Projects |
Total Value* (Million $) |
DOE Share (Million $) |
Job Benefits** |
Coal & Power Projects |
16 |
$67.58 |
$44.29 |
1,926 |
*Includes DOE and private sector cost-sharing |
**An average of 28.5 direct and indirect jobs per $1 million in R&D funding is used based on the Department of Commerce's Regional Input-Output Modeling System II formula. |
Ohio Universities Are Partners with the DOE Fossil Energy Program to Develop Global Warming Solutions and New, Cleaner Fuels and Products
The University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, has received $850,000 from DOE for three projects with a combined total value of $965,000 to investigate NOx and mercury removal technology, fuel cell seals, CO2 separation sorbents, and high temperature alloys.
System for Removing NOx and Mercury from Coal-Fired Flue Gases - A three-year investigation is proposed to develop a novel, advanced Low Temperature Selective Catalytic and Adsorptive Reactor (LTSCAR) for the simultaneous removal of NOx and mercury (elemental and oxidized) from coal-fired flue gases in a single unit. It is anticipated that the proposed system will lower removal costs for the targeted pollutants by an order of magnitude relative to current technologies. DOE is fully funding this $200,000 project.
Innovative Seals for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells- Researchers at the University of Cincinnati will develop, characterize and demonstrate innovative solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) sealing concepts based on various glass compositions. Glasses exhibiting self-healing behavior and fiber reinforcement of glasses will be pursued for potential applications in SOFCs. A survey of commercially-available glasses suitable for use as seals in SOFCs will be done, and selected properties of the promising commercial glasses will be determined. The goal is the enhancement of seal performance under thermal cycling conditions. DOE is contributing $450,000 to this $565,800 project.
Mo-Si-B-Based Intermetallic Alloys for Very High Temperature Structures - The University of Cincinnati is studying a Mo-rich Mo-Si-B alloy processed by novel methods. This alloy is representative of the new class of ductile-brittle systems, which, owing to their promising properties, are receiving evaluation for very high temperature structural applications. Further development of these multi-phase materials will be gained by working towards gaining an understanding of the effects of processing and microstructure on mechanical behavior, including creep. The DOE is fully funding this $200,000 project.
Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, is working on four projects with a combined total value of $3.70 million (DOE share: $2.93 million) to study sensing methods and carbon sequestration.
Gas Sensing Technologies for Boiler Balancing - Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, is to develop a sensor array for monitoring NOx, CO, and O2 with sub-second response times at temperatures from 480 degrees Celsius to 815 degrees Celsius. The feedback from the sensor array will allow optimization of fuel utilization, air distribution and enhanced boiler performance. The DOE is funding $724,000 of the $924,000 project value.
Assess Carbon Pools in Reclaimed Mine Soils - Contamination of reclaimed soils with coal particles makes it difficult to accurately determine soil carbon pools and assess the impact on land use and management practices on carbon sequestration in these soils. Ohio State University researchers will develop and test several analytical procedures to determine the size of coal-derived carbon in reclaimed mined soils. DOE is funding $426,000 of this $552,000 project.
Technology for Hydrogen Production with CO2 Separation - University researchers will simplify the production of hydrogen by integrating the water gas shift reaction (WGSR) through in-situ CO2, sulfur and hydrogen halide removal from the synthesis gas at high temperatures in a single stage reactor process while eliminating the need for the WGS catalyst. DOE is contributing $1.25 million to this $1.56 million project.
Enhanced Hydrogen Production with Integrated CO2 Separation - In this project, OSU will demonstrate the sucess of a technology to effectively and economically produce a pure hydrogen stream by coal gasification with integrated capture of CO2 emissions, fo its subsequent sequestration. A high reactivity, mesoporous calcium oxide will be demonstrated for in-situ carbon dioxide separation. The regenerability of the sorbent over multiple calcination-carbonation cycles will be tested. DOE is contributing $529,000 to this $663,000 project.
Design Tools for Syngas- and Hydrogen-Fueled Turbines - Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, will develop the tools necessary for the design of future coal derived synthesis-gas (syngas) and hydrogen (SGH) fueled combustion turbines. A set of benchmark experiments and computations will be carried out to map the: flame speeds, auto-ignition characteristics, extinction limits of SGH oxidation over a wide range of mixture compositions, inlet temperatures and pressures. These global values will in turn be used to develop comprehensive detailed and reduced kinetic mechanisms for H2/CO/H2O/O2/N2 chemistry. The proposed experimental database will be of practical use in both determining the desired syngas compositions for optimal IGCC operation, as well as the improvement of internal combustion engine operation using hydrogen. DOE is contributing $400,000 to this $413,400 project.
Zeolites for CO2 Capture - The University of Akron, Akron, OH, will develop the amine-grafted zeolites for CO2 capture and SO2 capture with more 10,000 times repeated thermal cycles between 25-150 degrees Celsius with less than ten percent degradation. The results of this study will provide parameters to material and energy balance models for accurate determination of the cost for scale-up of this novel CO2 capture system. DOE is contributing $765,000 to this $1.12 million project.
Ohio Companies Studying Ways to Reduce Air Emissions; Advanced Materials; Chemical Sequestration; and Demonstrating IGCC
Mercury Specie and Multi-Pollutant Control - Pegasus Technologies, Inc., Mentor, OH, was selected in Round II of the Clean Coal Power Initiative (project award is pending negotiations with DOE). In this project, Pegasus Technologies will demonstrate advanced multi-pollutant controls, including mercury reduction, at an existing 890-megawatt utility boiler at Jewett, Texas. Using non-intrusive advanced sensor and optimization technologies, the demonstration project is intended to minimize emissions while maximizing the electric power generating efficiency of the plant. Pegasus plans to apply advanced state-of-the-art sensors and neural network based optimization and control technologies to maximize the oxidation or capture of mercury vapor in the boiler flue gas. Artificial intelligence and simulation technologies would control and optimize all the major facets of a power plant. Pegasus is slated to receive $6.08 million in DOE funds to conduct this $15.56 million project.
Advanced Materials for Ultrasupercritical Boiler Systems - Energy Industries of Ohio, Independence, OH, is evaluating different metal alloys that can be used in ultrasupercritical steam boilers that operate at 1,400 degrees Fahrenheit. Current metal alloys used in boilers cannot tolerate these high temperatures due to corrosion and premature failure of the tubes. As a result, efficiency and cost of operation are reduced. Energy Industries will also define the issues affecting the design and operation of plants at 1,600 degrees Fahrenheit. Cost targets will be developed and the company will promote commercialization of alloys and processes, identified through field testing at the 185-MWe Niles, OH coal-fired power plant that have significant potential. Working with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), they will generate data that can be used by ASME for approved alloys in ultrasupercritical boilers. The DOE is funding $19.89 million of the $30.14 million project.
NOx Control Technology - The Babcock & Wilcox Company (B&W), Alliance, OH, in collaboration with American Air Liquide, proposes to develop and demonstrate an advanced NOx control technology with an ultra-low NOx emissions target of 0.10 lb/million Btu for high-volatile eastern bituminous coal combustion. Their approach for achieving the ultra-low NOx levels relies on a layered strategy that includes deep air staging, continuous corrosion monitoring, advanced combustion control enhancements, and other innovative proprietary combustion techniques with great potential for achieving significantly lower NOx emissions relative to conventional staged combustion or air-blown coal reburning. The Energy Department is contributing $914,000 to this $1.36 million project.
Corrosion Modeling - The objective of this project being conducted by the Babcock & Wilcox Company is to develop comprehensive corrosion models and predictive equations that can be used to estimate the corrosion rates of boiler tubes in coal-fired utility boilers. Under a given boiler operating condition, the corrosion mechanisms operating on the lower furnace walls and superheaters/reheaters are strongly influenced by coal chemistry. Therefore, a direct correlation of corrosion wastage with coal impurities, thus the coal corrosivity, is highly desirable. However, a corrosion database that links the materials behavior to coal chemistry is lacking. As a result, the desired correlation can not be reliably accomplished. It is the intent of this program to systematically generate the needed corrosion database by burning a wide range of coals containing various levels of impurities in a pilot-scale combustion facility. DOE is contributing $2.1 million to this $2.6 million project.
Chemical Sequestration of CO2 in Deep Saline Formations - Batelle Columbus Laboratories, Columbus, OH, will evaluate and examine factors which may affect the geological and geo-chemical sequestration of CO2 from power plant emission (captured, transported, and injected) in deep saline formations. DOE is contributing $8.52 million to this $9.39 million project.
Next Generation Hydrogen/Syngas Injector Technology - Parker Hannifin Corporation, Mentor, OH, will develop the next generation of hydrogen/syngas injector and combustor technologies that achieve reduced emissions of harmful pollutants. The project effort has four major focus areas: (1) design a hydrogen/syngas fuel injector that achieves NOx emission levels less than 3 three parts per million (ppm); (2) establish methods to extend the margin of multi-point injectors through aerodynamic design; (3) perform bench-scale testing of developed designs at low pressure, low temperature conditions and high pressure high temperature conditions; and (4) Perform full-scale testing of down-selected designs at high-pressure high-temperature conditions. DOE is contributing $1.04 million to this $1.53 million project.
Studies on ODS Heat Exchanger Tubing - Prime candidate materials for a high temperature heat exchanger are oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) alloys; however, there are some gaps in the data required to commit to the use of these alloys in a full-size plant. Edison Welding Institute, Columbus, OH, will develop an innovative ODS heat exchanger tube capable of operating at very high temperatures; develop at least one new method for properly and adequately welding ODS tubes; and generate the necessary tube property data required for the design of a heat exchanger made from an ODS alloy. DOE is fully funding this $800,000 project.
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