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State-by-State Project Profiles > Connecticut

Number of Projects |
Total Value* (Million $) |
DOE Share (Million $) |
Job Benefits** |
Coal & Power Projects |
6 |
$94.37 |
$59.4 |
2,689 |
*Includes DOE and private sector cost-sharing |
**An average of 28.5 direct and indirect jobs per $1 million in R&D funding is used based on the Department of Commerce's Regional Input-Output Modeling System formula. |
Connecticut-Based Firm is Leading Developer in Advanced Fuel Cell Technology
FuelCell Energy (FCE), Danbury, CT, is one of the world's pioneers in fuel cell technology. Fuel cells offer a way to produce clean, efficient electricity from fossil fuels. The process relies on a chemical reaction utilizing hydrogen and oxygen to produce water as the only emission.
Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Development - FuelCell Energy, as a member of the Solid State Energy Conversion Alliance (SECA), is developing a cost-effective thermally integrated planar solid oxide fuel cell (3-10kW) for a range of stationary power applications. The project focuses on technology development for overall system, individual components for cell, stack and other subsystems, as well as cost reduction using mass production processes and automation for assembly. Total project cost is $59.1 million (DOE share: $34.3 million).
ALSTOM Power, Inc. Developing Advanced Combustion, Mercury Control Systems
The U.S. Power Plant Laboratories of ALSTOM Power, Inc., Windsor, CT, are developing advanced coal combustion and mercury control technologies. The combined projects have a value of $18.82 million with DOE contributing $13.44 million.
Circulating Moving Bed (CMB) Combustion Tests - ALSTOM is conducting a $6.83 million project (DOE share: $4.12 million) to develop its CMB combustion technology through a series of proof-of-concept tests. Data from these tests will be used to scale up to a commercial plant. CMB technology offers improved performance and cost relative to conventional technologies such as pulverized coal and fluidized-bed combustion. CMB also offers improved heat transfer rates and operational flexibility.
Hybrid Combustion-Gasification Chemical Looping - The overall objective of this project is to develop and verify the high temperature chemical and thermal looping process concept at a small-scale pilot facility in order to enable ALSTOM to design, contruct and demonstrate a pre-commercial, prototype version of this advanced system. Ultimately, ALSTOM will demonstrate the feasibility of hydrogen production. The total value of this project is $6.5 million (DOE share: $5.2 million).
Demonstration of Mer-Cure(TM) Technology - The project will demonstrate ALSTOM's Mer-Cure technology - a novel, sorbent-based mercury control technology in coal-fired boilers. The program objective is to demonstrate at full-scale greater than 90 percent mercury capture at a cost less than 50 percent of the $60,000/lb of mercury removed. DOE is contributing $4.12 million to this $5.49 million project.
Connecticut Companies Are Developing Turbines
Rich Catalytic Combustion Technology - Pratt and Whitney Power Systems, East Hartford, CT, is conducting a $7.94 million R&D project (DOE share: $6.32 million) of rich catalytic combustion technology for rapid deployment in industrial gas turbines. The resulting combustions systems will (by 2007) provide fuel flexibility for gas turbines to burn coal-derived synthesis gas or natural gas and achieve cost-effective, ultra-low NOX emissions, without exhaust stack cleanup.
Catalytic Combustion for Ultra-Low NOX Hydrogen Turbines - Precision Combustion, Inc., North Haven, CT, will develop and demonstrate a catalytic combustion system for megawatt class hydrogen turbines that has the capability to burn hydrogen, maintain and/or extend current levels of efficiency, reduce NOx below 3 parts per million, and eliminate carbon dioxide emissions. DOE is contributing $5.34 million to this $8.51 million project.
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