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State-by-State Project Profiles > Colorado

Number of Projects |
Total Value* (Million $) |
DOE Share (Million $) |
Job Benefits** |
Coal & Power Projects |
8 |
$19.68 |
$13.87 |
561 |
Oil & Gas Projects |
6 |
$13.17 |
$11.5 |
375 |
*Includes DOE and private sector cost-sharing |
**An average of 28.5 direct and indirect jobs per $1 million in R&D funding is used based on the Department of Commerce Regional Input-Output Modeling System formula. |
Colorado Firms Developing Advanced Sorbent Systems, Pollution Control Equipment
Gas Cleaning Technology for IGCC - TDA Research, Inc., Wheat Ridge, CO, is developing a novel gas cleaning technology for removing multiple trace metals (e.g., mercury, arsenic, selenium, cadmium) from coal-derived synthesis gas at high temperature. A prototype test unit will be designed, built and installed as a slipstream field test unit at a gasification facility. DOE is contributing $525,000 to this $656,000 project.
Control of Catalyst Poisons from Coal Gasifiers - TDA Research, Inc., Wheat Ridge, CO will develop a sorbent system that can reduce the concentration of the three major catalyst poisons (arsenic, iron carbonyl, and nickel carbonyl) present in coal-derived synthesis gas to less than part-per-billion levels. These poisons can dramatically affect the economics of processes employed to convert coal-derived synthesis gas to liquid fuels by significantly reducing the performance of the catalysts used in these processes. DOE is contributing $850,000 to this $963,000 project.
Reforming Process to Produce Hydrogen - TDA Research Inc. will provide a low cost, high efficiency steam reforming process for hydrogen production. DOE is fully funding this $250,000 project.
Sorbent Injection for Mercury Control - ADA Environmental Solutions, LLC, Littleton, CO, has been awarded a $8.64 million project (DOE share: $6.00 million) to develop comprehensive design, operating, and cost data for mercury control in coal-fired power plants. Mercury is an element found in most minerals in the earth's crust that can have serious environmental and health effects when it is released. ADA will test a mercury control device based on a sorbent injected into a particulate control device.
Control Strategies for Mercury Control on Eastern Coals - ADA Environmental Solutions, LLC, Littleton, CO is assessing the potential for significant mercury control (between 50 and 90 percent above baseline) by sorbent injection for the challenging technical process configuration at the Public Service Company of New Hampshire's Merrimack Station Unit 2. DOE is funidng $2.5 million of this $4.3 million project.
Carbon Injection Field Test for Mercury Removal in Power Plants - ADA Environmental Solutions will evaluate the long-term mercury removal capability, long-term mercury emissions variability, and O&M costs associated with sorbent injection on a configuration considered for many new plants. Testing will be conducted at Rocky Mountain Power's Hardin Station located in Hardin, Montana. Hardin fires a PRB coal and is configured with an SCR for NOx control, an SDA for SO2 control, and a fabric filter for particulate control. This project will use sorbent injection to cost effectively achieve mercury control of at least 90% beyond baseline capture for a period of 10 to 12 months. DOE is contributing $2.4 million to this $3.2 million demonstration.
Advanced Coal Gasification System - Eltron Research, Inc., Boulder, CO, is exploring methods to integrate fluidized bed gasification with chemical looping separation of oxygen from air. Different metal oxide catalysts will be evaluated for suitability as oxygen carriers in an advanced gasification system, a test unit to test the catalysts in an integrated gasification-air separation scheme will be fabricated, and the prototype reactor will be operated to evaluate the overall operating efficiency and long term performance of the integrated process. DOE is fully funding this $475,000 project.
Advanced Mercury Sorbents - Apogee Scientific, Inc., Englewood, CO will evaluate advanced sorbents for removing mercury from coal-fired flue gas with minimal impact on plant operations. This will be achieved by using sorbent materials that do not impact fly ash reuse and sorbents that have less impact on the operation of existing particulate controls. DOE is funding $874,000 of this $1.2 million project.
Government Agencies Partner with DOE for Fossil Energy Projects in Colorado
Gas Hydrates Research - The USGS, Denver, CO, is collecting and evaluating geophysical data relative to gas hydrates in the Gulf of Mexico. Methane hydrates are natural gas-bearing, ice-like crystals that are abundant in marine and arctic sediments. The natural gas believed to exist as hydrates in the United States and surrounding waters is hundreds of times greater than conventional U.S. natural gas resources. This six-year effort, funded by DOE at $8.1 million, also addresses energy resource issues, global climate change, seafloor stability, ocean acoustics, and impacts on deep marine biota.
Preparation, Drilling, and Testing of a Gas Hydrates Well - The USGS, Denver, CO - This $630,000 DOE-funded project calls for completion of a 1,100 m deep research well in the Mackenzie Delta. The primary objectives of the production testing program at the Mallik well site (located in the Mackenzie Delta area of Canada) is to assess the production potential and characteristics of natural gas hydrate accumulations and to obtain the necessary data to develop and evaluate gas hydrate reservoir simulation models. Production testing being considered is stimulated drill-stem testing. Information obtained from the well tests and analysis from the samples collected will be used to provide information for the development of a gas hydrates production simulation model.
Research to Enhance Oil and Gas Development on Federal Lands - The Bureau of Land Management-CO, Denver, CO is working with the Department of Energy to maximize the recovery of oil and gas on onshore Federal lands while assuring effective environmental protection through research and development, as well as technology transfer. DOE is funding $1.58 million of this $2.53 million project/partnership.
Thermodynamic Data Collection - The National Institute of Standards and Technology (Colorado), Boulder, CO will compile, analyze, and publish thermodynamic property data that was collected at the DOE laboratory in Bartlesville, Oklahoma (but was never published). DOE is fully funding this $140,000 project.
Colorado Companies Participate in Oil and Gas Projects
Downhole Heater Cables for Oil Shale Recovery - Composite Technology Development, Inc., Lafayette, CO will develop high temperature heater cables for downhole applications. The cables will be: capable of long-term, high-temperature operation, resistant to the downhole environment, and be manufactures in long lengths (greater than 2,000 feet). DOE is fully funding this $750,000 project.
Hydrate Control Data for Gas Storage Field Operations - Colorado Engineering Experimental Station, Inc., Nunn, CO, is obtaining systematic data from gas storage wells that are affected by hydrate formation during withdrawal operations and a complementary, high pressure, multiphase Hydrate Test Facility (HTF) to simulate the storage field operating conditions during hydrate formation. The data will be obtained in a real-time manner under a wide variety of storage well fluids and field operating scenarios that are consistent with actual storage field systems and field operating practices. The total cost of the project is $1.02 million with DOE contributing $300,000.
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