Statement of Robert W. Gee Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy U.S. Department of Energy to the Subcommittee on Interior and Related Agencies Committee on Appropriations U.S. House of Representatives March 14, 2000
Our FY 2001 Budget at a Glance
Research and Development - Coal and Power Systems - Natural Gas - Petroleum - Other - Offsets Total
$193.8 38.8 52.6 99.4 - 9.0 $375.6
Clean Coal Technology
- $155.0
Strategic Petroleum Reserve |
- Operations - Transfer from Petroleum Acc't Total
$158.0 - 7.0 $151.0
Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves |
- Operations - Elk Hills School Lands Fund Total
$ 0 35.0 $35.0
Alternative Fuels Production |
- Interest
- $1.0
| |
In the coming century when energy demand will continue to rise in this country and the world, imagine the benefits of:
- A pollution-free power plant. A plant that emits no airborne pollutants, no solid wastes, no wastewater, perhaps no greenhouse gases. A power plant that has no negative impact on the environment.
- A technology that captures and stores carbon dioxide and other gases that can cause global warming. A way to remove greenhouse gases from the exhausts of energy facilities or directly from the atmosphere on a massive scale at costs both developed and developing nations can afford.
- A "rigless" drilling process with a "footprint" no larger than a pickup truck. A process that searches for oil and gas using thumb-size, downhole geophones, that uses artificial intelligence to pinpoint the best production prospects, that constantly analyzes for hydrocarbons using a solid state "laboratory-on-a-chip" embedded in the drill pipe.
- A virtually sulfur-free gasoline that allows the catalytic converters and high-performance engines of tomorrow's automobiles to operate at peak effectiveness, dramatically cutting airborne pollutants from mobile sources.
- A strategic oil stockpile large enough to provide Americans with energy security even if oil imports rise to 60-70% of our overall petroleum supply.
These are some of the important programs supported in the Department of Energy's FY 2001 Fossil Energy budget. They continue the emphasis on cleaner, more efficient, lower cost use of our traditional fuels - an emphasis that can keep our economy growing, provide a cleaner, ealthier environment, and enhance our country's energy security.
Research and Development Coal and Power Systems - A "Greener, Sooner" Strategy
Coal & Power Systems Budget |
FY00 Approps |
FY01 Request |
Central Systems Distributed Systems Sequestration R&D Fuels Advanced Research
$115.3 44.5 9.2 20.3 23.2 $212.4
$89.4 42.2 19.5 15.7 27.0 $193.8
Dollars in Millions | |
"High tech" innovations can make our current and next-generation fossil fuel plants dramatically cleaner while keeping consumer costs affordable.
About 70 percent of the electricity generated in the U.S. is fueled by coal, natural gas, and oil. As promising as renewable and other alternative fuels are, several decades will be required before they approach the energy contributions of our traditional fuels.
A "greener, sooner" strategy means that we don't have to wait. By applying technological advances, we can continue to improve environmental quality and reap the economic benefits of the fuels we count on most while alternative energy resources move into the market. As Energy Secretary Richardson said recently, "There is just as much opportunity for high-tech innovation in fossil fuels as there is for solar, wind or any other energy resource." (1) Here are some examples in our FY 2001 budget:
Vision 21 - the Power Plant of Tomorrow: It may be possible to virtually eliminate the environmental concerns of using fossil fuels to generate energy. Already we can turn some pollutants, such as sulfur, into marketable chemicals. Tomorrow, virtually every impurity once released into our air and water might be converted into useable commodities - in effect, turning pollution into products.
The major emphasis of the FY 2001 Coal and Power Systems budget is on this pollution-free power plant of tomorrow. Termed Vision 21, it could be fueled by coal or natural gas, perhaps combined with biomass or even the discarded wastes of cities. In one configuration, it would generate electricity at unprecedented efficiencies, perhaps twice those of today's plants. For other markets, it could be configured to produce fuels and chemicals, or perhaps a combination of power, fuels and other products.
The FY 2001 Vision 21 Budget |
Item Total |
For Vision 21 |
Central Systems - Innovations for Existing Plants - Int. Gasification Combined Cycle - Pressurized Fluidized Bed - Indirect Fired Cycles - Advanced Turbines
Distributed Systems - Fuel Cells
Advanced Research
TOTAL, Vision 21 Funding |
$18.2 32.0 11.2 2.0 26.0
$1.0 12.4 0.2 2.0 3.0
Dollars in Millions | |
Vision 21 was introduced in the FY 1999 budget, and in concert with industry, a detailed program plan was developed. In FY 2000, the program moved into the initial stages of development, focusing on the key technology modules and the best approaches to tie these modules together. This latter focus - system integration - is especially important because it will tell us how to deal with the complex engineering challenges involved in linking advanced modules such as gasifiers, turbines, fuel cells, etc., into an ultra-high efficiency, super-clean power facility.
In October 1999, DOE opened its first major competition for Vision 21. The first project selections were announced in March 2000. In FY 2001, the 3-year projects resulting from this competition will be in their 2nd year. The FY 2001 budget incorporates funding from several different Coal & Power categories (see box) to fund these projects and other Vision 21 activities.
A preview of the Vision 21 concept could come from the "Early Entrance Coproduction Plant," an effort begun in 1999. Three companies were selected to develop ways to combine electric power generating technologies with liquid fuels/chemicals processing (in a refinery, for example). Although this early effort will not incorporate the ultra-high efficiency innovations being developed for Vision 21, it could provide an early model for tomorrow's multi-feedstock, multi-product energy facilities. In FY 2001, the companies will complete their assessments of the technical, economic and environmental feasibility of their concepts and begin research and engineering that will guide the designs of the future plants.
In addition, Vision 21 funding will go to upgrade the computational capabilities of DOE's newest national lab, the National Energy Technology Laboratory at Morgantown, WV, and Pittsburgh, PA. High performance computer simulation may be one of the most significant innovations for the 21st century power industry. Using state-of-the-art computing systems to design, model and simulate the operation of futuristic power plants before committing to "bricks and mortar" could save millions of dollars and years of development. DOE intends to be the leader in this new computing frontier, not only assisting industry in developing "virtual demonstrations" but also using the new computer processes in the Vision 21 and other development programs.
The ultimate payoff of Vision 21 may be several years into the future, but like the nation's man-in-space program, we expect beneficial "spinoffs" much earlier.
For example, a revolutionary way to make oxygen - the 3rd most marketed chemical in the U.S. - could emerge from the Vision 21 program. In FY 2001, a small-scale version of one of the key "enabling technologies" for Vision 21, a ceramic "ion exchange" membrane that separates oxygen from the air, is scheduled for a key 3,000-hour performance and stability test. This membrane, once scaled up, could eliminate the expensive, energy-intensive refrigeration processes in use today. If successful, it could cut the cost of producing oxygen by 30% to 40%.
Carbon Sequestration - Is it a Viable "Third Leg" of a Climate Change Strategy? - Only a few years ago, concepts for capturing and storing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases were considered laboratory curiosities. Today the opinion is much different.
DOE has set a goal of removing carbon dioxide from the exhausts of energy plants or from the atmosphere itself and permanently storing or recycling it at costs as low as $10 per ton of carbon, equivalent to only 2/10ths of a cent per kilowatt-hour in the cost of electricity. At these low costs - and because no massive overhauls of today's energy infrastructure would be required - sequestration could offer a climate change solution that both industrialized and developing nations could afford.
Turning CO2 into Rocks
In Building 17 of the DOE's Albany Research Center, a pressure vessel is whirring away. Like a high-speed blender, it stirs a slurry of water and ground up rock into a frothy mixture at temperatures of 185 degrees C and pressures of 2000 pounds per square inch. Carbon dioxide -- the gas suspected of being the principal culprit in global warming -- is pumped into the vessel.
Later the mineral broth will be filtered and dried. What's left will be magnesite, a mineral that has absorbed the carbon dioxide and permanently "sequestered" it.
Today it takes 24 hours for the slurry to absorb 90 percent of the carbon dioxide -- much better than the 144 hours when the Albany scientists started their research. But to make the process viable, the time will have to be cut to 30 minutes or less. If it can, "mineralization" -- the process of making rocks -- could help solve one of the world's most pressing environmental problems. |
But will it work? Can climate change gases be safely locked away in underground rock formations or deep within the ocean? Can processes be developed to enhance or mimic the gas-absorbing phenomena of photo-synthesis? Might scientists one day develop a practical way to solidify carbon gases into artificially-created carbonate minerals?
The only way to find out is to experiment. In 1998 DOE offered its first grants for innovative ideas. In August and September, 1999, we expanded the program, offering up to $18 million for industry projects and another $1-$3 million/year for national lab research. Winning projects will be supported by the FY 2001 budget.
In FY 2001, the department is requesting $19.5 million for carbon sequestration R&D, significantly more than the $9.2 million appropriated this year. Why the increase? Because the next step is to move the most promising ideas beyond paper studies and laboratory experiments and into the first field trials. This is a more expensive stage of development but a necessary one if policy makers are ever to know whether the global potential of carbon sequestration is real.
To date, our climate change strategy has emphasized energy efficiency and the greater use of lower carbon fuels - both promising options. But as Secretary Richardson said, "I believe we can and should look ways to capture and control the release of carbon. This should become the third option in our 'menu' for future greenhouse gas controls."(2) If our tests in FY 2001 are encouraging, we could be well along the path toward this "third option."
Cleaning Up Existing Plants. In setting our sights on tomorrow's innovations, we must not overlook today's power plants and the innovations that can make them much cleaner and save consumers billions of dollars.
A Track Record of Environmental Progress
Our environmental technology program is building on a solid track record of success. Thanks largely to our research efforts with industry:
- Today, 3/4ths of all U.S. coal-fired capacity is equipped with "low-NOx" burners that are 1/10th the cost of nitrogen oxide pollution controls in the 1980s.
- Investment in better flue gas "scrubbers" has saved Americans $40 billion in the last 30 years.
- One-fourth of U.S. coal-fired capacity now uses scrubbing technology. R&D turned a concept once thought to be too expensive and unreliable into a U.S.-product sold throughout the world.
As a result of technological innovation in the last 30 years, we have cut sulfur pollutants by more than 40% while tripling the use of coal -- all while keeping the cost of electricity to U.S. consumers the lowest of any industrialized nation.
In FY 2001, we are proposing $18.2 million to develop better technologies for existing power plants.
Acid rain, urban smog, haze and unhealthy ozone were the focus of our research through much of the 1980s and 90s. Today, the environmental challenges also include microscopic particles called PM 2.5 - tiny specks so small that it would take 70 of them to equal the width of a human hair. These airborne particles are formed not only from the soot of combustion but also from trace sulfur and nitrogen pollutants condensing in the atmosphere. To reduce PM 2.5 levels, it may be necessary to further control sulfur and nitrogen emissions.
The first step, however, is to have scientifically sound data. In FY 2001, we will deliver to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the first data taken from our PM 2.5 air sampling stations in the Ohio River Basin. This could provide the first definitive "fingerprints" of PM 2.5 particles, giving regulators important clues as to the origins of these particles. Since these particles can originate from power plants, auto exhausts, agricultural practices and other activities, this information is extremely important if future regulations and pollution control research are to be targeted at the right sources.
Mercury is another pollutant that exists in trace quantities in coal. When coal is burned, it is released as a gas. By December 2000, EPA must determine if mercury emissions from power plants should be regulated, and if so, to adopt regulations by December 2003. Early in FY 2001, we expect to deliver to EPA an update on mercury controls. We provided the cost data on control systems used in EPA's 1997 Report to Congress on Mercury; the FY 2001 updated and enhanced data will comprise the most comprehensive report ever on mercury emission controls.
Also, since today's pollution control technologies were not designed to reduce mercury, a fast-track control R&D program may be necessary. To prepare for this, in March 2000, the Department will issue a solicitation for innovative control technologies to capture gaseous mercury before it is released into the atmosphere. The FY 2001 budget provides funding to begin testing the winning concepts from this competition.
Largely because of the Fossil Energy R&D program, electricity consumers in the next decade could expect to save nearly $5 billion per year from lower cost compliance technologies for sulfur and nitrogen pollutants. If new standards are imposed for mercury, additional savings of another $4-5 billion per year could be realized from our air toxics control R&D program.
Energy Efficiency at the "Front End" - More Power Made More Affordable. Improving energy efficiency is a key element of our "greener, sooner" strategy. Most people relate "efficiency" to energy-saving appliances or automobiles that get more miles per gallon. But efficiency also works at the "front end" of the energy path - for example, at the power plant where fuel is converted into electricity.
The Vision 21 concept is a prime example of "front end" energy efficiency - potentially doubling the amount of electricity that can be generated from a given amount of fuel. Before Vision 21 is ready, however, the nation will need additional electrical power - perhaps as much as 100,000 to 200,000 megawatts between now and the year 2010. This is equivalent to adding the entire electrical grid of Germany to the U.S. power sector. Most of this new electric generating capacity - perhaps as much as 90% - will be fueled by natural gas. The technology of choice will be the gas turbine.
Tomorrow's Gas Turbines - The state-of-the-art gas turbine for the 21st century will be a revolutionary machine - surpassing anything available today in terms of efficiency and environmental performance. Because of a joint government-industry program now on the verge of its most significant technology success, this turbine will carry a "Made-in-the-USA" label.
On February 18, 2000, the Department announced that an eight-year partnership with industry has produced the most advanced utility-scale gas turbine in the world, a machine that breaks the 60% efficiency threshold - the "four minute mile" of turbine technology. The new turbine will also cut nitrogen oxide emissions in half from today's average, releasing less than 9 parts per million with no expensive post-combustion controls. Having completed a major test run in February, the 400-megawatt, GE-developed 7H turbine incorporates breakthrough advances in materials, cooling systems, and environmental controls. Following the DOE program, it will be shipped to a power plant near Oswego, NY.
The GE turbine - along with a comparable turbine being developed by Siemens-Westinghouse that will be on the test stand in FY 2001 - will position the United States in the forefront of the trillion-dollar, worldwide power equipment market in the coming decade.
As much as half of the projected demand for gas turbine systems in the United States, however, could be for units in the "mid-size" range: 30 to 200 megawatts. This scale of turbine development has been missing from our R&D program. In FY 2000, we began to fill this gap. In December 1999, we started a competition to select five or six "system studies" for the next-generation of smaller-size turbines - units that could be especially suited for distributed power applications. Our goal is to achieve the same benefits as our larger scale effort for this other, major segment of tomorrow's turbine industry - more affordable and climate-friendly power generation, and more jobs for Americans.
Tomorrow's Fuel Cells - In using natural gas (or other hydrogen-rich fuels) to generate electricity, the fuel cell is ideal. Virtually pollution-free, highly-efficient, and relying on a clean electrochemical reaction rather than combustion, fuel cells are especially suited for distributed applications where power generators are sited close to the power customer.
But there is one drawback: cost. Today's "first generation" fuel cells are three times more expensive than other types of power generators. Costs are coming down, however, as a result of technological innovations that continue to be made in our advanced fuel cell program.
The only police station in the nation's most visited urban park - Central Park in Manhattan - is also one of New York City's oldest. But since April 1999, it has been powered by one of the newest types of power generators - a fuel cell.
Painted "Central Park green," the onsite mini-power plant, no bigger than a large garden shed, supplies 200-kilowatts of electricity to the New York Police Department's 22nd precinct station.
Prior to installing the fuel cell, police in the pre-Civil War era building couldn't use modern electronic fingerprinting equipment or even keep the air conditioner on during hot summer days. Running a new transmission line through the park was too expensive and environmentally disruptive.
Putting a fuel cell in a corner of the station's parking lot solved the power problem. The product of nearly 30 years of government-industry R&D, the quiet and pollution-free fuel cell now supplies enough electricity to run the police station and recharge a fleet of electric vehicles used to patrol the park.
For example, in FY 2001, redesigned molten carbonate Direct FuelCellTM systems will be installed in Los Angeles and Tuscaloosa, AL. Manufactured by FuelCell Energy (formerly Energy Research Corp.), the 250-kW units feature a cost-saving, more compact design than previous systems. Now being pre-tested in the firm's Connecticut facility, the unit is a U.S.-customized version of a system installed in Bielefeld, Germany, in November 1999.
Another approach to reducing costs is to combine a fuel cell and turbine into a high-efficiency, "hybrid" power unit. In FY 2000, a solid oxide fuel cell/microturbine hybrid will be tested at the University of California-Irvine's National Fuel Cell Research Center.
The FY 2001 budget emphasizes a new approach that could make even more dramatic cost reductions. This effort, begun in 1999, will capitalize on remarkable progress made recently in ceramics manufacturing, much of it by the microchip industry. These advances create new possibilities for innovative fuel cell designs, efficiencies of greater than 80%, and ultimately costs as low as $400 per kilowatt, roughly a third of the projected cost of today's most advanced systems. In September 1999, DOE selected four companies to begin applying these innovations. These, and others to be selected in FY 2000, will develop core fuel cell modules for civilian and military applications, an effort that will continue into FY 2001.
Also, the National Energy Technology Laboratory and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have created the Solid State Energy Convergence Alliance to bring industry, national laboratories, and universities together to encourage high-volume manufacturing of solid-state components for a variety of fuel cell applications. "Mass customization" of components for stationary, mobile, and military fuel cells can lead to much lower unit costs.
Natural Gas - Will We Have Enough?
Natural gas is the domestic energy resource being counted on most to meet our increasing energy demands, certainly for the first decades of the new century. Between now and 2015, U.S. gas demand could increase by 40% or more - from 22 trillion cubic feet (TCF) annually to 30-32 TCF. Climate change measures could place even greater demands for natural gas.
Can our gas industry meet this challenge?
In December 1999, the National Petroleum Council(3) said yes, but not without surmounting significant challenges.
Natural Gas Budget |
FY00 Approps |
FY01 Request |
Exploration & Production Gas Hydrates Infrastructure Reliability Processing Technology Environmental Protection Total |
$14.3 3.0 1.0 10.2 3.2 $31.6
$12.4 2.0 13.2 8.5 2.6 $ 38.8
Dollars in Millions | |
For example, by 2015, almost $1.5 trillion in private sector financing will be required to pay operating expenses and invest in new infrastructure. Over 38,000 miles of new transmission pipelines will have to be built along with 263,000 miles of distribution mains to serve 14 million new customers. The number of wells drilled annually will have to double from 24,000 in 1998 to more than 49,000 by 2015. New resources will have to be found.
The Council also stressed that the technology for locating and producing natural gas must continue to advance. Advanced diagnostics and imaging systems will be needed to locate gas hidden from today's technologies. Production will have to come from deeper, denser, and more complex reservoirs, requiring higher strength materials to be used in advanced drilling systems. Innovative pipeline designs and new fabrication and installation methods must be developed. Better technology will be needed to improve reliability of the gas transmission and distribution system.
Each of these presents significant technological challenges - made more difficult because the nation's investment in future gas technologies is declining. Within the next three years the Gas Research Institute will phase out its traditional regulatory-funded research program. DOE's gas R&D program will be the last remaining, nationally-funded gas research effort.
Recognizing this, Energy Secretary Richardson announced in December 1999 the creation of a new Center for Advanced Natural Gas Studies within the Energy Department. Located at the National Energy Technology Laboratory, the Center will coordinate gas technology development and gas-related analyses for the Department. It will work with the gas industry to identify and implement critical areas of research from "the borehole to the burnertip." In FY 2001, funding for the Center will be drawn from existing sources.
Infrastructure Reliability - Filling an R&D Gap. The integrity and efficiency of our aging gas infrastructure may be the most critical barrier to achieving a 30-TCF gas economy. Not only will thousands of miles of new pipelines be needed, as the National Petroleum Council stated, but much of the current 300,000-mile interstate pipeline network could need future upgrading.
In FY 2001, the Department proposes to begin filling a critical gap in our gas research portfolio that addresses these needs. Our request allocates $13.2 million for projects that can help assure a reliable gas transmission and delivery infrastructure. Our increased budget request for FY 2001 will support the development of advanced materials and technologies needed for longer life, high-strength, non-corrosive pipelines. We also propose to develop new obstacle detection systems that can speed the boring of tunnels for gas distribution pipes, along with advanced sensors that can inspect and seal leaks from inside of pipelines.
Gas storage will become increasingly important, especially if pipeline constraints (access rights, construction lead times, etc.) require greater reliance on gas storage near market centers. In the FY 2001 budget, we will continue to study ways to improve the deliverability of gas from storage fields. We will also explore the technical and economic feasibility of novel gas storage methods such as the use of artificially-created hydrates and steel-lined rock caverns.
Also included is $5.9 million for an international infrastructure effort recommended by the President's Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). Concerns over the U.S. gas pipeline system pale in comparison to those in eastern Europe, especially in the former Soviet Union. Russian gas pipelines may leak as much as 20% of their throughput, releasing as much as 1 to 2 trillion cubic feet of methane (natural gas) into the atmosphere annually. Methane is 20 times more potent (by volume) than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas, making the leaks from Russian gas pipelines equivalent to the carbon dioxide exhausts of more than 500 average U.S. coal-fired power plants.
Locating these leaks with conventional technology in the rugged Russian terrain is too expensive to be practical. But innovations in portable and aerial remote gas sensing - some of which were developed for military use during Operation Desert Storm - could offer a more affordable and effective approach. A major portion of the international gas infrastructure budget in FY 2001 will be used to help U.S. equipment makers adapt these remote sensors for peacetime use both within and outside the U.S. The result could be a new commercial opportunity for U.S. companies that could produce both energy and global climate change benefits.
Exploration and Production - Deeper, Faster, Smarter. We also plan to direct funding to projects that can improve the exploration and production of natural gas while, at the same time, reducing the environmental impact.
The Department of Energy helped pioneer the polycrystalline diamond drill bit, the measurement-while-drilling technology, the "thru-casing" logging system, and several other innovations that have allowed the hydrocarbon industry to probe deeper into more hostile environments searching for oil and gas.
But if tomorrow's producers are to keep pace with the steadily growing demand for natural gas and oil, even more impressive innovations will be needed. The drilling systems of the future will likely be "smart systems," incorporating rugged integrated circuitry to monitor conditions at the drill bit, analyze for hydrocarbons, and steer the drill bit through rock that is deeper and denser than has ever been encountered before. Our FY 2001 budget includes funding for these and other "high-tech" exploration and production systems.
For example, one of our key projects in FY 2001 will complete the development of two "measurement-while-drilling" electronics packages that can withstand up to 400 degrees F of heat and vibrations near the drill bit and transmit a steady stream of data during deep drilling.
The Mystery of Methane Hydrates - the "Ice that Burns." Methane hydrates are a tantalizing future source of natural gas. Potentially vast amounts of gas - possibly 5,000 times larger than the world's known conventional gas reserves - are locked in ice-like formations beneath the ocean floor and the Arctic tundra. But hydrates are also a possible safety threat to offshore drilling rigs and deep-sea pipelines. Releases of methane from hydrates could also pose a possible global warming concern. Many questions remain unanswered.
DOE in 1998 restarted its hydrate research program, joining other federal agencies (the U.S. Geological Survey, Naval Research Laboratory, and others), to begin answering these questions. A multi-year program plan, distributed to the research community in 1999, called for laboratory studies followed by a series of field tests to drill into and study an actual hydrate formation.
Field tests are expensive, however, costing upwards of $5-$10 million per well. Therefore, before committing to major expenditures for production tests, it may be more beneficial to apply our $2.0 million request to improving our scientific understanding of hydrates. We will also examine opportunities to leverage our funding with other international research initiatives. For example, the Japanese are drilling an offshore hydrate well and have indicated interest in future wells in the Canadian arctic. This could provide an opportunity for future partnerships.
Assuring Environmental Protection. One way to help enhance future gas availability is to assure that gas operations are environmentally sound. In FY 2001, as part of the "Effective Environmental Protection" portion of our natural gas budget, we will provide the science expertise to a coalition of Federal and State agencies to complete the first-ever model of air emissions from natural gas (and oil) field equipment in the Rocky Mountain region. Using this model, the agencies will be able to assess the true impact of oil and gas operations on the region's air quality and make leasing and permitting decisions on the basis of sound science.
Processing Natural Gas - Tomorrow's "White Crude." Natural gas not only can be burned but also used as a source of chemical "building blocks" for synthesizing clean liquid fuels that might one day supplement conventional crude oil. Converting natural gas on the North Slope to this form of "white crude" could offer a way to keep the TransAlaska Pipeline System (TAPS) flowing well beyond its currently projected economic lifetime.
In FY 2001, a key gas-to-liquids research effort (part of our Gas Processing Program) will move into an important scale-up stage. Two years of research have now reached the point where several new classes of ceramic membrane and seal materials appear suitable for separating natural gas into gases that could be recombined into liquid fuels. Cost savings of up to 30% over conventional gas separation processes appear to be within reach. In FY 2001, a prototype membrane unit capable of processing 24,000 cubic feet per day of syngas will be built and tested. Design and engineering will be started on a larger, 500,000 cubic-foot-per-day unit, and tests will begin on ceramic modules that eventually will be incorporated into the unit.
We also hope to scale up a unique technology that liquefies natural gas using sound waves. The innovative concept grew out of research at our national laboratories. Preparations are underway for testing a small 500-gallon-per-day prototype, and in FY 2001 work will begin on a larger 10-20,000 gallon per day system.
Petroleum - Producing More at Home and Making It Cleaner
Petroleum Budget |
FY00 Approps |
FY01 Request |
Ultra Clean Fuels Exploration & Production Reservoir Life Extension Environmental Protection Processing-Desulfurization Total |
$ 0* 28.4 14.7 10.8 3.3 $ 57.3
$10.0 20.8 11.1 10.7 0 $ 52.6
Dollars in Millions | |
Sometimes overlooked in concern over the rising level of U.S. oil imports is the declining quality of crude oils now arriving at U.S. refineries. Most of the nation's lighter, lower sulfur, easier-to-process crude oil has been extracted. Crude oils now being recovered - and those received from many of our suppliers in this hemisphere - are heavier, thicker and more sulfur-laden. This decline in crude oil quality poses both technical and economic challenges for refineries.
It is also likely that air emission standards for the nation's automobiles and trucks will tighten significantly in the coming years. In December 1999 President Clinton announced the toughest air emission standards ever for the nation's vehicles. By 2005, the nation's gasoline suppliers must meet an average sulfur level of 30 parts per million (ppm), down from the current average of more than 300 ppm. More stringent diesel standards will be issued later this year.
The Ultra Clean Fuels Initiative. In February 2000 DOE announced a major new research effort to assist the nation's fuel suppliers and engine manufacturers meet the new environmental standards. The Office of Fossil Energy and the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy will pool funding in a $75 million, 5-year effort to develop lower cost, more effective ways to produce "ultra clean" fuels and better pollution control devices for tomorrow's cars and trucks. The effort will be conducted in conjunction with the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles, a government-industry initiative to develop vehicles that achieve fuel efficiencies of up to 80 miles per gallon. Ultra-clean diesel fuels could offer a way for these new vehicles to meet the tighter emission standards without compromising safety, performance or affordability.
The Office of Fossil Energy's portion of this program is expected to be $50 million; $10 million of which is in the FY 2001 budget. Proposers can submit three types of projects: (1) scale up of fuel processing advances now on the drawing boards, (2) development of innovative emission control systems that use cleaner fuels, and (3) research on new, virtually sulfur-free fuel forms. The first proposals will be due this summer, and winning projects could receive up to
$15 million in federal matching funds for projects that could result in the construction of pre-commercial prototype fuel processing facilities. The majority of the research projects would likely begin in FY 2001. As Secretary Richardson said in announcing the new initiative, "Americans will breathe cleaner air in the future not only because we supported tougher regulations but because we also invested in better technologies."
Producing More Petroleum from U.S. Fields. The remainder of the Petroleum R&D budget continues to focus on ways to assist U.S. producers - especially smaller, independent producers - with advances that can keep oil flowing from domestic reservoirs.
The independent producer is already the dominant producer of natural gas in the United States and is rapidly becoming the dominant producer of crude oil. The vast majority of the nearly 8,000 independent oil producers in the U.S. are small companies - typically with less than 20 employees. Many are family-owned businesses.
The price plunge of 1998-99 put more than 30,000 oil workers - nearly 1 out of 10 - out of a job and idled scores of drill rigs. Even though prices subsequently rebounded, many of the lost jobs and much of the lost production has not come back. Price swings have made lenders cautious, and small companies are finding it difficult to raise the financing to reopen shut in wells.
Secretary Richardson took several actions during the price fall to maintain the nation's oil productive capacity. Included were several initiatives to develop and deploy better oil field technology - not only providing near-term help but also positioning small producers to be more productive in the future and perhaps dampen price swings.
Chief among the initiatives was the restarting of the Reservoir Class Field Demonstration Program, a program to provide cost-sharing to producers willing to try innovative approaches to keep endangered oil fields in operation. On October 5, 1999, the department announced that 10 winning projects, all involving independent oil producers, would receive $23 million in federal matching funds for projects that will last, in some cases, up to 6 years. The FY 2001 budget includes $4.8 million as the last funding increment for these projects.
Also, in FY 2001, the Department will continue its "Preferred Petroleum Upstream Management Practices" (PUMP) program. This effort, funded at $2 million, is a targeted, near-term effort to convey "best practices" that tie together reservoir management, environmental compliance, and other operations in a way that helps producers quickly increase production. The goal is to try to reverse the decline in domestic oil production by midway through this decade.
FY 2001 funding will also be used to develop longer-range innovations. Candidate projects include the continued development of artificial intelligence techniques that can be integrated into computer models producers can use to make better assessments before drilling. Miniaturization is also an area of interest in FY 2001. DOE and industry scientists have developed a thumb-size geophone that can be lowered into a "micro-borehole" to search for oil and gas or to track the progress of oil and water flowing through reservoir rock. Micro-boreholes are only 1 1/2 to 2- inches in diameter and can be up to 70% cheaper than the typical 8 1/2-inch diameter wellbores.
Other Elements of Our Research and Development Program
The Fossil Energy R&D budget also includes funding for the scientists, engineers, technicians and administrative staff that conduct in-house research and oversee nearly 600 projects carried out by industry, universities and other research organizations.
The budget includes funding for Cooperative Research and Development projects at the University of North Dakota Energy and Environmental Research Center and the Western Research Institute. These projects are jointly financed by the Energy Department and private sector research organizations.
Other R&D Budget Items |
FY00 Approps |
FY01 Request |
Program Direction Plant & Capital Equip. Cooperative R&D Adv. Metallurgical Research Environmental Restoration Export-Import Authorizations Black Liquor Gasification Total, Other |
$75.5 2.6 7.4 5.0 10.0 2.2 14.0 $116.7
$75.1 2.0 5.8 5.2 9.0 2.3 * $ 99.4
* Included in FY01 Energy Efficiency budget
Dollars in Millions | |
Our budget also supports advanced metallurgical research at the Albany Research Center in Oregon. Since this Center transferred to the Energy Department from the former Bureau of Mines, it has become increasingly involved in our Vision 21 program and in addressing other materials-related challenges of the energy and transportation industries.
We also include funding for Environmental Restoration to support environment, safety, security and health improvements at our field facilities and the cleanup of sites where former Fossil Energy-funded activities were conducted.
We also carry out several regulatory functions funded in the budget request for Export-Import Authorizations. For example, we are responsible for authorizing the export of electricity, issuing permits for electric transmission facilities at our international borders, and authorizing natural gas imports and exports under Section 3 of the Natural Gas Act of 1938.
One budget item - black liquor gasification - was funded in the Fossil Energy account in FY 2000 by Congressional direction. On January 7, 2000, our National Energy Technology Laboratory issued a call for projects to demonstrate this process as a way to improve efficiencies of the nation's pulp and paper mills. In the FY 2001 budget, funding for these projects is proposed in the Energy Efficiency budget request.
The Strategic Petroleum Reserve
The Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) is the centerpiece of our national energy security policy. It is the nation's primary response in the event of a severe energy supply interruption.
Strategic Petroleum Reserve Budget |
FY00 Approps |
FY01 Request |
Facilities Development SPR Petroleum Account Total |
$158.4 -12.0* $146.4
$158.0 -7.0 $151.0
Dollars in Millions | |
The FY 2001 budget request for SPR operations and maintenance is $158 million. It is the smallest budget in more than a decade, due primarily to the successful FY 2000 completion of the life extension program (which has assured the usefulness of the Reserve through at least 2025) and the Weeks Island decommissioning.
The completion of the life extension program marked a major milestone for the SPR. Most SPR facilities were constructed in the late 1970's and early 1980's and were nearing the end of their 20-year design life. Under the life extension program, the Department redesigned and replaced critical systems and equipment that had deteriorated and aged, to maintain reliability and availability and to assure that the Reserve could fulfill its mission to be able draw down within 15 days of a Presidential determination.
The benefits reaped from the life extension program are many: simplification of system configurations, standardization of equipment, and higher reliability and availability of equipment and systems. Approximately 60 large high-horsepower pumps and several hundred valves (50% reduction) have been eliminated. Lower power consumption and reductions in site manning requirements are reducing operating costs. Maintenance costs also are being reduced due to higher system reliability and the tripling of the time between pump/motor rebuilds from 4.5 years to 12 years. Standardization across the SPR has reduced spare parts inventories, facilitated maintenance and allowed workers to move easily among the sites.
As a result of the successful completion of this program, the useful life of the SPR's facilities and drawdown systems has been extended through the year 2025.
Another major accomplishment is the resumption of fill through the transfer by the Department of the Interior of offshore royalty-in-kind oil. This initiative was announced by Secretary Richardson in February 1999. A total of 28 million barrels of offshore royalty in kind oil will be transferred to the Reserve through December, 2000. The resumption of SPR fill will help restore a portion of the import dependency protection that has been lost over the years as a result of the Desert Storm drawdown, deficit reduction sales and increased U.S. reliance on imported oil.
In November, the SPR inventory will be slightly less than it was at its peak of almost 592 million barrels in 1994. Since 1994, due to rising consumption and imports, our days of net import protection have slipped from 73 days to 56 days. The Department will continue to explore options to continue filling the SPR and return our nation to the previous levels of protection.
The Department also plans to rescind a portion of the balances previously appropriated in the SPR Petroleum Account. This account is used to pay terminalling costs, peak electricity costs, and other expenses associated with a rapid draw down of crude oil during an energy emergency. The FY 2000 Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Act provided DOE with the authority to draw from other unobligated balances in the Department should the SPR be needed to counter an energy emergency.
Naval Petroleum Reserves and Oil Shale Reserves
The FY 2001 budget of approximately $21 million will be funded entirely from prior year balances. No new funds are being requested for FY 2001.
Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves |
FY00 Approps |
FY01 Request |
Reserves Nos. 1 and 2 Reserve No. 3 Naval Oil Shale Reserves Program Direction Use of Prior Year Balances Total |
$ 6.9 8.3 0 6.0 -21.2 $ 0
$ 4.9 7.9 0 8.0 -20.8 $ 0
Dollars in Millions | |
FY 2001 activities include continued operation of the Teapot Dome oil field in Wyoming, the Rocky Mountain Oil Field Testing Center, environmental remediation activities at Teapot Dome, environmental and cultural resources assessments at Elk Hills, California, and continued oversight of the Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 2 property and leases, also in California.
In coordination with the Department of the Interior, the State of Utah, and the Ute Indian Tribe, Secretary Richardson recently announced plans to submit legislation to transfer Naval Oil Shale Reserve No. 2 in Utah to the Northern Ute Indian tribe.
The transfer of 84,000 acres would be the largest voluntary return of land to Native Americans in the lower 48 states in more than a century. The land was transferred from the Utes to the Federal government in 1916 as a source of shale oil for the U.S. Navy. Under the plan, 9 percent of any royalties from future energy resource production on the lands would help fund clean-up and disposal of uranium mill tailings at a site near Moab, Utah. Another provision would put into place additional environmental protection for a 75-mile stretch of the Green River.
The goal of the Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves is to privatize the Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center (RMOTC) perhaps as early as FY 2001. The program initiated a number of projects in FY 1999 to enhance that goal. During the year, the NPOSR initiated a process to develop a Business Plan for the eventual privatization of the enterprise. A draft plan was completed at the end of the year.
The program continues to seek investment partners for the completion of the flow assurance and methane hydrate test facility. All sub-surface work on the flow loop is completed. The finished facility will attract private investment and improve the attractiveness of RMOTC for privatization. The program has been successful in increasing the number of customers utilizing the center and in reducing the federal share of funding. In FY 1999 RMOTC performed over $4 million in project work, 69% of which was funded by private industry and other organizations outside of the Department.
During FY 1999, the Department completed administrative actions for 111 of 153 findings regarding inactive waste sites as part of our environmental remediation responsibilities at Elk Hills. At Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 3, crude oil reserves increased by 50 percent from the previous year, crude oil production was 18 percent more than planned and net income exceeded plan by 200 percent. Preparations continued for the eventual closure and or/privatization of the oil field. Portions of Naval Oil Shale Reserve No. 3 in Colorado were transferred to the Department of Interior for commercial leasing effective May 1, 1999.
The Clean Coal Technology Demonstration Program
A significant portion of the FY 2001 Fossil Energy budget request is offset by funding proposed for deferral or rescission from the Clean Coal Technology Program. The budget proposes that $221.0 million be deferred until FY 2001 and that an additional $105.0 million be rescinded.
We are proposing a deferral because some of the last projects in this program have been -- or are being -- restructured, and schedules have been delayed. The proposed rescission reflects savings from the restructuring of a Clean Coal Technology project that originally had been proposed by a subsidiary of the Duke Energy Corp. On November 15, 1999, Energy Secretary Richardson approved the use of $78 million in Clean Coal Technology funding as the federal share of the $432 million Kentucky Pioneer Energy Project planned for Clark County, Kentucky, by Global Energy Inc. This represented a $105 million cost savings compared to the projected government cost of the Duke Energy project which had encountered siting difficulties in southern Illinois.
At the close of FY 2001, 32 of the 40 projects in the program are expected to be completed; one will be in the final stages of operation and final report preparation; two projects are likely to be in construction; and two projects will still be in the design phase. Funding obligations will have been completed for all but the final two projects.
Two of the most successful Clean Coal Technology projects will complete their government-cosponsored programs in FY 2001. The Tampa Electric Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle project in Florida has established the engineering foundation for a new generation of high-efficiency power technologies, while the Liquid Phase Methanol Synthesis project in Tennessee has shown an advanced method for converting coal-derived gas into liquid fuels and chemicals. Together, these two pioneering projects provide early glimpses of technologies that could one day for the core of the Vision 21 pollution-free energy plant of the future.
This completes my prepared statement. I will be pleased to answer any questions Members of the Subcommittee may have.
1. December 10, 1999, speech announcing the creation of the National Energy Technology Laboratory (formerly the Federal Energy Technology Center) at Morgantown, WV, and Pittsburgh, PA.
2. Remarks to the 7th Annual Clean Coal Technology Conference in Kingsport, TN
3. The National Petroleum Council is a 175-member advisory panel to the Secretary of Energy made up of senior petroleum industry representatives and other private sector organizations.