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You are here:  Natural Gas Regulation > Quarterly Reports

Natural Gas Import & Export Regulations -
Quarterly Reports (1996 - 2007)

The Quarterly Reports contain 13 separate sections which are described briefly below. By first selecting a quarter and year, and then clicking on the appropriate link below, you can view each section. For Quarterly Reports from 2008 to the present, please click here.


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Overview of trade for calendar quarter & year-to-date data. Also available separately.

Point of Entry:

Natural gas imports by entry point and by type of authorization (summarizes volume & price data for quarterly imports made under long-term import authorizations (contracts longer than 2 years in length) and under short-term authorizations (contracts no longer than two years in length).

Attachment A:

Lists long-term import contracts for most recent 5 calendar quarters and gives level of activity & average per unit price ($/MMBtu) at international border.

Attachment B:

Summarizes Long-term import data -- gas purchased under contracts that are longer than 2 years in length (provides, by month and country of origin, the number of active long-term import contracts, the volumes imported and the weighted average international border price ($/MMBtu)).

Attachment B-1:

Provides volume and price information for each active long-term import contract (specific monthly volume and price data for the most recent twelve month period).

Attachment B-2:

Provides volume and price information for each active long-term export contract (specific monthly volume and price data for the most recent twelve month period).

Attachment C-1:

Summarizes short-term import data -- gas purchased under contracts of 2 years or less in length (provides, by month, the number of importers, the volumes imported, and the weighted average price of these imports at the international border).

Attachment C-2:

Lists all short-term importers and volumes imported over the past 5 quarters.

Attachment C-3:

Lists all short-term purchasers of imported gas during the past 5 quarters.

Attachment C-4:

Describes all individual short-term import transactions (provides monthly data on volumes, prices, importers, sellers, and customers)

Attachment D-1:

Lists all short-term exporters and volumes exported over the past 5 quarters.

Attachment D-2:

Lists all short-term purchasers of gas exported during the past 5 quarters.

Attachment D-3:

Describes all individual short-term export transactions (provides monthly data on volumes, prices, exporters, sellers, and purchasers).


 Page owner:  Fossil Energy Office of Communications
Page updated on: November 05, 2008 

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