Delfin LNG LLC - FE Dkt. 13-129-LNG (FTA)

The Office of Fossil Energy gives notice of receipt of an Application filed October 7, 2013, by Delfin LNG LLC (Delfin), seeking a long-term multi-contract authorization to export domestically produced liquefied natural gas (LNG) up to the equivalent of 657.5 billion cubic feet of natural gas per year to Free Trade Agreement countries.  Authorization is for a 20-year period commencing on the earlier of the date of first export or seven years from the date the authorization is issued. Delfin proposes to export LNG from its proposed floating LNG project to be located in the West Cameron Block 167 in the Gulf of Mexico to any country that has, or in the future will have, the capacity to import LNG via ocean-going carrier, with which the United States does not prohibit trade, and has a Free Trade Agreement requiring national treatment for trade in natural gas.  A federal register notice was not  issued.

1. 10/07/13 Delfin LNG LLC Application for Long-term Multi-Contract Authority to Export Domestically Produced LNG to Free Trade Agreement Countries
2. 02/20/14 U.S. Department of Energy                              Order 3393 Granting Long-term Multi-Contract Authority to Export LNG by Vessel from its proposed floating Liquefaction Project in the Gulf of Mexico to Free Trade Agreement Nations
3. 05/26/17 Counsel for Delfin LNG LLC Notification of Counsel Update
4. 07/11/18 Delfin LNG LLC Change in Control (CIC)
5. 08/23/18 U.S. Department of Energy Response to Request for Change in Control
6. 10/07/20 Delfin LNG LLC Application to Amend Export Term for Existing Long-term Authorizations through December 31, 2050 
7. 10/31/20 Anonymous Comment
8. 12/09/20 U.S. Department of Energy Categorical Exclusion Determination
9. 12/10/20 U.S. Department of Energy Order Extending Export Term for Authorizations to Free Trade and Non-Free Trade Agreement Nations Through December 31, 2050 
10. 12/18/20 U.S. Department of Energy Policy Statement on Including Short-Term Export Authority in Long-Term LNG Export Authorizations
11. 03/19/21 Delfin LNG, LLC Application to Correct and Amend Export Authorizations
12. 05/18/21 U.S. Department of Energy Order Granting Application to Correct and Amend Export Authorizations
13. 6/2/2021 American Petroleum Institute (API) Notice of Withdrawal and Substitution of Counsel
14. 3/1/2024 Delfin LNG LLC

Request of Delfin LNG LLC for Supplemental Order Granting Conditional Extension of the Time for Long-Term Authorizations to Export Liquefied Natural Gas


Attachment 1

Attachment 2 Part 1

Attachment 2 Part 2

Attachment 3

15. 03/10/2025 U.S. Department of Energy DOE/FECM Order Nos. 3393-C and 4028-D - Order Amending Authorization to Export Liquefied Natural Gas to Free Trade Agreement Countries, and Granting Request to Extend Deadline to Commence Exports of Liquefied Natural Gas to Non-Free Trade Agreement Countries