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You are here:  International Activities > Bilateral Agreements > Russia

International Cooperation with Russia

Bilateral Agreements

Power Plant Efficiency and Reliability Enhancement

The purpose of this agreement is to perform a feasibility study of the Primorskaya GRES power plant, which serves the Vladivosotok region, to identify technological and management improvements that can be effected in a timely and cost-effective manner. Bother the power plant and the coal mine that serves the power plant, as well as the connecting infrastructure, will be evaluated. Since the Primorskaya GRES is typical of Siberian power plants, any successful demonstration of improvement can then be replicated among other plants.

Bilateral Energy Dialogue in Oil and Gas

The purpose of this dialogue is to continue engagements with the Russians, including establishing a Russian oil and gas technology program, and the development of LNG in Russia. 

 Page owner:  Fossil Energy Office of Communications
Page updated on: May 16, 2005 

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