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You are here:  International Activities > Bilateral Agreements > Argentina


Bilateral Agreements

Loan of Distributed Energy Technology Simulator to CNEA (National Commission for Atomic Energy) through the Argentinean Energy Secretariat

CNEA and the National Energy Technology Laboratory have agreed to collaborate on the use of the simulator that evaluates nine different distributed generation technologies for multiple applications in a real-time setting. Argentina has microturbines and other distributed generation technologies in operation and will benefit from the data acquisitions and analysis capability of the simulator that will provide them with data to determine the technical and economic viability and market applicability of alternative technologies. Data obtained from these tests shall be shared with NETL and these results will assist DOE in determining the market capabilities for distributed generation technologies in the country, and possibly the region.

 Page owner:  Fossil Energy Office of Communications
Page updated on: May 16, 2005 

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